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Allen, S., Brigham, M. and Marshall, J. (2018) ‘Lost in delegation? (Dis)organizing for sustainability’, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 34 (1): 29-39.
Tosey, P. and Marshall, J. (2017) ‘The demise of inquiry-based HRD programmes in the UK: implications for the field’, Human Resource Development International, 20 (5): 393-402.
Marshall, J. (2016) ‘First-person action research and critical reflection’, in Fook, J., Collington, V., Ross, F., Ruch, G. and West, L. (eds.), Researching Critical Reflection: Multidisciplinary Perspectives), London: Routledge, pp133-142.
Allen, S. and Marshall, J. (2015) ‘Metalogue: Trying to talk about (un)sustainability – a reflection on experience’, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 13 (1-2).
Allen, S., Marshall, J. and Easterby-Smith, M. (2015), ‘Living with contradictions: The dynamics of senior managers’ identity tensions in relation to sustainability’, Organization & Environment, 28 (3): 328-348.
Boden, R., Greenwood, D.J., Hall, B., Levin, M., Marshall, J. and Wright, S (2015) ‘Action Research in Universities and Higher Education Worldwide’, in Bradbury, H. (ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Action Research (3rd ed.), London: Sage Publications, pp281-290.
Marshall, J. (2014) ‘Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice’ in Coghlan, D. and Brydon-Miller, M. (eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research. London: Sage Publications, pp90-92.
Marshall, J. 2011. En-gendering notions of leadership for sustainability, Gender, Work & Organization. 18(3) 263-281.
Marshall, J. 2011. ‘The practice and politics of living inquiry’, in Pedler, M. (ed), Action Learning in Practice. Farnham, Surrey: Gower, pp173-182.
Marshall, J. 2011. Images of changing practice through reflective action research, Journal of Organizational Change Management. 24(2) 244-256.
Tams, S. & Marshall, J. 2011. ‘Responsible Careers: Systemic Reflexivity in Shifting Landscapes’, Human Relations, 64.1. 109-131.
Marshall, J and Reason, P. 2008. ‘Taking an attitude of inquiry’, in Boog, B., Preece, J., Slagter, M. & Zeelen, J. (eds,), Towards quality improvement of action research: Developing ethics and standards. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers B.V. pp61-81.
Marshall, J. 2008. ‘Finding form in writing for action research’, in Reason, P. & Bradbury, H. (eds.), Handbook of Action Research (2nd ed.), London: Sage Publications, pp682-694.
Marshall, J. & Reason, P. 2007. ‘Quality in research as “taking an attitude of inquiry”, Management Research News, 30 (5) 368-380.
Marshall, J. 2007. ‘The gendering of leadership in corporate social responsibility.' Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(2), 165-181.
Marshall, J. and Mead, G. 2005. (Guest Editors) Editorial, Special Issue of Action Research on Reflective practice and First Person Action Research, 3 (3), 235-244
Kotsilieri, F. and Marshall, J. 2004. ‘Hellenic women managers in the telecommunications sector: Living in transition’, New Technology Work and Employment, 19 (3) pp177-191.
Marshall, J. 2004. ‘Living systemic thinking: Exploring quality in first-person action research’, Action Research, Vol 2(3) pp 309-329.
Marshall, J. 2004. ‘Matching Form to Content in Educating for Sustainability: The Masters (MSc) in Responsibility and Business Practice’, in Galea, C. (ed) Teaching Business Sustainability: Volume 1, Greenleaf Publishing, pp 196-208.
Marshall, J. 2003. ‘Towards ecological understanding of occupational stress’, Reynolds, J, Henderson, J, Seden, J, Charlesworth, J & Bullman, A (eds) The Managing Care Reader, London: Routledge/The Open University Press, pp 174-182.
Gherardi, S., Marshall, J. and Mills, A. J. 2003. ‘Theorizing Gender and Organizing’, in Westwood, R. & Clegg, S. Debating Organization: Point-Counterpoint in Organizational Studies, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp 325-338.
Marshall, J. and Reason, P. 2003. Approaches to Action Research, CD-Rom based multimedia resource, Centre for the Development of New Technologies in Learning and Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice, University of Bath.
Reason, P. & Marshall, J. 2001. 'On Supervising Graduate Students' in P Reason and H Bradbury (eds), Handbook of Action Research, London: Sage, pp 413-419. See also Marshall and Reason, 1998.
Marshall, J. 2001. 'Self-reflective inquiry practices' in P Reason and H Bradbury (eds), Handbook of Action Research, London: Sage, pp 433-439
Marshall, J. 2000. 'Living lives of change: Examining facets of women managers’ career stories' in M Peiperl, M Arthur, T Morris and R Goffee (eds), Conversations in Career Theory: Insights and Trends, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 202-227.
Marshall, J. 2000. ‘Re-visiting Simone de Beauvoir: Recognising feminist contributions to pluralism in organizational studies’, Journal of Management Inquiry, 9 (2) pp166-172.
Marshall, J. 2000. 'Expanding the realm of organizational reasoning', The Learning Organization 7 (5) pp 244-250.
Marshall, J. 1999. ‘Doing gender in management education’, Gender and (Management) Education, 11 (3), 251-263.
Marshall, J. 1999. ‘Living life as inquiry’, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 12 (2), 155-171.
Marshall, J. & Reason, P. 1998. 'Collaborative and self-reflective forms of inquiry in management research' in J Burgoyne and M Reynolds (eds), Management Learning, London: Sage, pp 227-242
Marshall, J. 1995. ‘Gender and Management: A Critical Review of Research’, British Journal of Management, 6 , S53-S62.
Marshall, J. 1995. ‘Working at Senior Management and Board Levels: Some of the issues for women’, Women in Management Review, 10 (3) 21-25.
Marshall, J. 1995. "Gender" (feature entry) and "Feminism" (extended glossary entry). Entries in Nicholson, N (ed), Blackwell Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour, Oxford: Blackwell, pp 190-2 and 177-78 respectively.
Marshall, J. 1994. "Developing women managers" in A Mumford (ed) Handbook of Management Development: Fourth Edition, Aldershot: Gower, 350-365.
Marshall, J. 1994. 'Re-visioning organizations by developing female values', in R Boot, J Lawrence and J Morris (eds), Managing the Unknown: By creating new futures, London: McGraw Hill, 165-183.
Marshall, J. 1994. "Developing women managers" in J K Prior (ed) Handbook of Training and Development (Second Edition), Aldershot: Gower, 490-505 .
Marshall, J. 1994. "Why women leave senior management jobs: My research approach and some initial findings", M Tanton (ed), Women in Management: A Developing Presence, London: Routledge, 185-201.
Marshall, J. 1993. "Patterns of cultural awareness as coping strategies for women managers", in S E Kahn and B C Long (eds), Work, Women and Coping: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Workplace Stress, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 90-110.
Marshall, J. 1993. "Viewing organizational communication from a feminist perspective: A critique and some offerings" in S Deetz (ed) Communication Yearbook, Volume 16, Newbury Park: Sage, 122-143.
Marshall, J. & Reason, P. 1993. 'Adult Learning in Collaborative Action Research'. Studies in Continuing Education, 15 (2), 117-132
Marshall, J. 1993. "Organizational cultures and women managers: Exploring the dynamics of resilience, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 42 (4), 313-322.
Marshall, J. 1992. "Researching women in management as a way of life". Journal of Management Education and Development, Autumn, 23(3), 279-287.
Marshall, J. 1992. "Co-operative inquiry into organizational culture: The Wrekin District Council experience", in J Mulligan and C Griffin (eds) Empowerment through Experiential Learning: Explorations of Good Practice, London: Kogan Page, pp 136-147.
Marshall, J. 1991. "Senior women managers who leave employment", Women in Management Review and Abstracts, 6(3), 4-10.
Marshall, J. & Rummel, M. 1989. "Frauen und Erwerbstatigkeit", in S Greif, H Holling und N Nicholson (eds), Arbeits- und Organisations- psychologie, Munich: Psychologie Verlags Union, 227-231 ("Women and Employment")
Marshall, J. 1989. "Re-visioning career concepts: a feminist invitation", in M B Arthurs, D T Hall and B S Lawrence (eds), A Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 275-291.
McLean, A.J. and Marshall, J. 1988. Cultures at Work: How to Identify and Understand Them, Luton: Local Government Training Board, 35pp.
Marshall, J. & McLean, A. 1988. "Reflection in action: exploring organizational culture", in Human Inquiry in Action, P Reason (ed), Sage, 199-220
Reason, P. & Marshall, J. 1987. "Research as personal process", in D Boud and V Griffin (eds), Appreciating Adult Learning: From the Learner's Perspective, Kogan Page, 112-126
Marshall, J. 1987. "Issues of Identity for Women Managers", in D Clutterbuck and M Devine (eds), Businesswoman: Present and Future, London: Macmillan, 10-31.
Marshall, J. 1986. "Towards ecological understandings of occupational stress", International Review of Applied Psychology 35(3), 271-286.
Marshall, J. 1986. "Exploring the experiences of women managers: towards rigour in qualitative methods", in S Wilkinson (ed) Feminist Social Psychology: Developing Theory and Practice, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 193-209.
Marshall, J. 1985. "Women managers: a testing time, full of potential", Women in Management Review 1(1), Spring, 5-14.
Marshall, J. 1985. "Paths of personal and professional development for women managers", Management Education and Development 16(2), 169-179.
Marshall, J. 1985. "Feminism as a critique of knowledge", in M Pedler and T Boydell (eds), A Guide to Materials on Gender and Work, Manpower Services Commission, 28pp.
Marshall, J. & McLean, A 1985. "Exploring organisational culture as a route to organisational change", in V Hammond (ed) Current Research in Management, London: Frances Pinter, 2-20
Marshall, J. 1983. "The identity dilemmas of being a woman manager", Equal Opportunities International, Summer, 28-33.
Marshall, J. & Stewart, R. 1982. "Managerial beliefs about managing: implications for management training", Personnel Review 11(2), 21-24.
Marshall, J. 1982. "Organizational culture: elements in its portraiture and some implications for organization functioning", Group and Organization Studies 7(3), 367-384.
Marshall, J. & Stewart, R. 1981. "Managers' job perceptions: Part II, Opportunities for, and attitudes to, choice", Journal of Management Studies 18(3), 263-275
Marshall, J. & Stewart, R. 1981. "Managers' job perceptions: Part I, Their overall frameworks and work strategies", Journal of Management Studies 18(2), 177-190
Marshall, J. 1981. 'Making sense as a personal process', in P Reason and J Rowan (eds.) Human Inquiry, Chichester: John Wiley, 395-399.
Marshall, J. & Cooper, C.L. 1981. "The causes of managerial job stress: a research note on methods and initial findings", in E N Corlett and J Richardson (eds), Stress, Work and Design, Chichester: John Wiley, 115-128
Marshall, J. 1980."Stress amongst nurses", in C L Cooper and J Marshall (eds) White Collar and Professional Stress, London: Wiley, 19-59.
Cooper, C.L. & Marshall, J. 1979. "Work experience of middle and senior managers", Management International Review, Vol. 19, 81-96
Marshall, J. 1978. "Job pressure, satisfaction and stress at executive levels", American Academy of Management Proceedings 38th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 33-37.
Cooper, C.L. & Marshall, J. 1977. "The changing roles of British executives' wives: their effects on the manager, his wife and his organisation", Management International Review, 34-46.
Marshall, J. & Cooper, C.L. 1977. "Sources of managerial stress", in C L Cooper and R Payne (eds.) Stress at Work, London: Wiley, 85-105
Marshall, J. & Cooper, C.L. 1976. "Managerial mobility", in D Ashton (ed), Management Review and Bibliography, Vol. 2, Bradford: MCB Ltd
Cooper, C.L. & Marshall, J. 1976. "Occupational sources of stress: a review of the literature relating to coronary heart disease and mental ill health", Journal of Occupational Psychology, 49, 11-28.
Marshall, J. & Cooper, C.L. 1976. "The mobile manager and his wife", Management Decision Monograph, Bradford: MCB Ltd., first appeared as Management Decision, 14(4), 1-48.
Cooper, C.L. & Marshall, J. 1975. "Stress and pressure within organizations", Management Decision, 13(4), 292-303.
Cooper, C.L. & Marshall, J. 1975. "The management of stress", Personnel Review, 4(4), 27-31
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